In my opinion, his songs would add great value, and heart, to a good many movie soundtracks in place of lesser songs by “name” bands. As a matter of fact, when I listen to songs such as “Starlit Moon,” or “She Wants Me,” from the album Music of My Youth, I can picture one of today’s young ingenues walking down wet pavement hand in hand with one of the hot, young romantic heroes of the hour under an umbrella after all has been said and done, and they have gotten their happy ending. Or the young heroine sitting at the window staring out sadly at all the happy couples on the street. (Obviously I watch too many movies, huh?)
While I enjoy each and every song of Mike P’s that I have heard, there is a special place in my tiny little heart for “New Girlfriend,” a song that blends together a catchy tune, a little anger, and a special touch of humor. (I refuse to ruin this one for you. You have got to hear it for yourself.)
Mike is one of my Twitter buddies. I’m not exactly sure how I found him, possibly via another Twitter buddy, @ActuallyAnthony, but I am thankful that I did. Mike is a super nice guy, with a great sense of humor, who actually likes to connect with his fans and keeps us up to date on what’s going on in his world. He hosts chats on his website, tweets with us, blogs, throws mp3 giveaways quite frequently, which is how I came to know his music. It’s nice to get to know the man behind the music. I like to be able to understand where his songs are coming from.

Mike’s newest single, “A Story Forever,” was released just yesterday on his website, iTunes, and Amazon, and is already making waves amongst his fans. “A Story Forever” has that Mike Peralta sound I’ve come to know and love, but this time, joining his guitar and lead vocals, are light drums, strings and some back up synth vocals. None of the latter overwhelm the former; in my opinion, they all blend together to form a pretty perfect song that is both similar and different from the other songs in his repertoire.
I say similar, because, as I said, you get the familiar Mike Peralta sound, but it’s different because of the sorrow that you can hear in the music and in the lyrics, something quite different from “New Girlfriend,” and even “I Want to Be Sad,” a song about a young man who sees sadness in everything around him.
To find out a little about the story behind “A Story Forever,” check out Mike Peralta’s blog on his website. If you subscribe to the newsletter, you automatically get a free mp3 download. Cruise around a little to check out his discography and give a listen. For your convenience, he has useful links such as iTunes, Amazon, Myspace, Facebook, and Twitter posted on the main page. (He even has a link to find other fans!)Follow him on Twitter @mikeperalta. If you see him online, just say “Hi.” It’s a great ice breaker.
Ps. I borrowed both pics from Mike’s website, totally without permission. Thank you and sorry!