Tuesday, July 28, 2009

A moment of Zen...or someone is getting Hate Crimed.

I am irate. But I am not showing it. I am being calm.

I am being downright Zen.

But I am pissed.

And Miss Mary is fluttering about, like there is absolutely nothing wrong.

Well, let me tell you
1) Telling people what is wrong with them in a list form via text message is INCORRECT. 2) Especially when you claim to be FRIENDS with them. 3.) You're a fucking douche.

Seriously, out of all the people that know me, not many KNOW me, and not many LIKE me.

And guess how much I care?

Not much. Or else I would be crying for Annie's forgiveness for saying something stupid. I'm sorry you don't like the truth, sweetie, but regardless of the fact that it's FOR YOUR OWN GOOD, I lived through it, so I can call it like I see it. For instance, I am the Original Gangsta Fag Hag(who is on Fag Sabbatical) and I can call a Fag a Fag. See what I mean?

Anyway, I may be looking for a new job....I can't work under the current gay administration, if you get me...

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