Sunday, June 28, 2009

High School Musical

When Kurt Cobain killed himself in April of 1994, I had found out that morning on the bus, and then later that morning, in Junior Honors English, I made a really crass joke about it to my best friend Crystal, who had been sitting behind me. We didn't know anything about Grunge--she listened to country and I loved NKOTB. I didn't know anything about the guy, just assumed it was some sort of drugged up rock star who couldn't take it.

I was incredibly wrong. It was only within the last 10-13 years that I really started to respect the man, and understand his music and what he was going through. When I was 16, I had no idea. It wasn't until college that I started to gravitate towards him. And then after I started hanging out with Derek, I really started learning more and more about KC and his music.

Now, Nirvana is one of my favorite bands, and Kurt Cobain in the Top 5 Artists of All Time in my book.

Thursday, June 25, 2009, saw the ending of an era. Michael Jackson, the King of Pop, died of Cardiac Arrest in California.

Michael Jackson.

"Billie Jean." "Beat It." "Bad." "Dangerous." "Thriller."

That Michael Jackson.

TMZ was the first to drop the news on their website, and Tinisha was probably the second person in the land to know. She passed the news onto me, and I onto the work folks, and so on.

I'm very good at telling bad news. However, I texted Rory and Turner. It was a hasty text that didn't necessarily sound believeable.

But it was true.

And, according to recent reports, Michael Jackson died of an accidental overdose of the painkiller Demerol. Which, to me, sounds like the doctor is at fault. He has already lawyered up. He knows he's in trouble. He killed the King of Pop. Too bad Johnnie Cochran isn't around to help him out....

So, since the story broke around 5pm on Thursday, the radio stations and music television stations have been playing the music, and the Behind the Music-style shows for just such a purpose. We've been able to see and hear his progression from childhood to adulthood. Chronologically speaking, anyway.

You see how the person himself, changes, and the music, as time goes on. It's amazing and breathtaking, and even though apparently Invincible was the music world's Ishtar, musically, he could do no wrong.

He invented the Moonwalk, he invented and patented special shoes and new technologies for his video movies....he helped put Africa in the spotlight, and helped to feed hungry people. He may have started the Green movement, some argue.

Others are calling this mourning situation hypocritcal, because his music hasn't been played this much in a while, and he hasn't had a huge call for publicity; i.e. no one is talking about him.

First off, people are ALWAYS talking about Michael Jackson. He is the UNDISPUTED King of Pop. Recognize.

Secondly, just because YOU aren't hearing about him in YOUR OWN TINY LITTLE WORLD, that doesn't mean, other parts of the world aren't celebrating him.
He was just about to hit an upswing, with a bunch of London concert dates that would earn him at least $40 million. Or was it billlion? I forget. Either way, it would have helped him tremendously, in getting him back to the top.

It's unfortunate that his death has had to do that. The top ten albums on just about any downloading site are Michael Jackson. His album sales are THROUGH THE ROOF.
And even if those babies aren't biologically his, they will be taken care of.

I do believe that Neverland should be turned into a museum like Graceland. It only makes sense. Seriously. But I do like Dap's idea that we should all chip in and buy it.

Ok, so Michael Jackson was never on my list as one of my favorite artists.

Now, before I get shot, let me explain this statement.

As Kurt Cobain before him, I didn't actively listen to his music. I didn't really have money for to buy all the music in the land that I wanted, and I still don't. I get most of my music from the radio. So I don't get to hear the entire Thriller or Bad album, only bits and pieces here and there.

But since all of the tributes have started(BET being the latest, with their awards show) I've been getting a greater sense, a greater feel. I thought Tinisha was going to kill me because I'd never seen Moonwalker or heard all of "Dirty Diana." And no, I haven't seen The Wiz, either.
But I understand why everyone is grieving, and mourning and celebrating and playing his music.

So I have to say....If you don't care/like the music/are tired of it, I don't actually care. I HOPE the radio stations keep playing the music, I HOPE that MTV actually continues to play the videos, any videos, really. And as I said, on my Facebook post the other day,

Don't stop until you get enough. Grieve and mourn and celebrate in your own way, in your own time. I know death, and while this isn't an immediate family member, he is still family. And no amount of horrible jokes about pedophilia are going to dim what the man was: A Consummate performer who cared deeply about other people. He was The Perfomer.

To the haters: Think what you want. You're in the minority. Just don't push it in my face.

To the rest: Send good thoughts and vibes out into the universe. He'll get them.
He may be busy getting a show together in the Ether world, with Jerry and Jimi and whoever...but damn, aren't those some lucky fans?

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