Wednesday, May 27, 2009

My Big Talent

I have a Big Talent. I have a few smaller ones, but only one Big Talent. And I'm totally ashamed of it.

I have an incredibly vivid imagination. But it's incredibly boring. All I think of is sex. Well, romance novel type scenarios. All I can think of in any given day is one or two storylines in is a big inspiration, so anytime I hear a particular song, I can be sent into a trance. 

I can write smut. And well.

That's my talent. I have a filthy mind, so I'm trying to exploit it. It needs to be used for SOMETHING. Hopefully this is something for which I can get paid.

I am almost done with the fourth edit of my novel( I really hate calling it a novel, although that IS what it is.). It's slow going. As soon as this edit is done, I will print it again, and do a fifth edit, and try to answer all the questions I have and fix it as best I can. Then one or two people will get to read and edit for grammar, etc & content. Then I shall re-fix, and get a packet together to send to all the editors in the land.

The basis is something that is near to me. I can't say "near and dear" b/c it sho' ain't dear. Hello, worst moment of my life on, it's not all that dear. But it's a story that has a beginning, a middle, and an end. I can't say "closure," b/c I don't think that closure actually occurred. Not that it matters. What the hell ever. I'm talking about my book.

I am horribly embarrassed about letting anyone read it who isn't a fan of romance novels. The RN fan would be a possible easy sell. They know the structure, and what's supposed to be happening in the book. I'm afraid of what others will say....see, if I can't write a book and let people read it, then what the hell is the point?

I haven't EVER let anyone read ANY of the smut I've written....I posted some of it on my myspace Jenny all interested in "Ian and Eliza" but abandoned them in favor of a new couple: "Chris and Julie."

They were supposed to have different names, but as they have been around for about a year, the names stuck. The characters became these people. I can't just up and change their names now.

So I have characters. Mostly really fleshed out characters b/c they are all based on SOMEONE...or five or six someones. There' s only one character who makes a brief appearance that I can't name or put any attributes to...He's basically Dr. Bristow, but I can't call the character "Don." I don't actually want the man to know that he's one of my characters....

I stated that wrong. The character I am thinking about is similar to Daddy B. But this character, just a one time director, is not the most important character. Plus, he is just one professor personality of many who is being used as a template for this character. 

I don't know who the character is.....

And you know, if that is my biggest problem right now with the book, then yay. 

Why am I worrying about him? He's a Red Shirt going on an away mission. He isn't the most important part. Julie and her stormy blue eyes are pretty important. Chris and his hot, liquid brown eyes are important. But The Director? Just one minor character who may, or may not ever return.

I need to set a deadline. September I do believe will be a year since I started writing the story. 

God, this story has taken so long to tell. I'm tired of it, and almost no longer care.

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