I don't actually like to drink. Do you think this is a problem for a person who works in a liquor store? I'll go to trade shows and taste a little of everything, even stuff I don't like, for work. But if it's left up to me, I won't drink. I don't like the way it makes me feel, all tired and fuzzy. Pot makes some people feel that way(not me, I'm the Vision of Clarity after bong rips), but booze does it to me. Beer I can deal with just fine, as long as it's not Bud or anything they can sell cold in Oklahoma. Wine is the devil. I get too hot too fast. Not that kind of hot. Just flushed and wobbly. Liquor is hardly ever a good idea for me. It always hurts the next day....unless it's really low in proof or super girly. I can't let go and have fun, because I know what can happen. I mean, one delicious 9% apv beer (well, two), and a 100 proof shot of Rumple Minze can turn into a really bad night where you vandalize things....Not that that has happened....
But do you see what I mean? I don't like to drink, and usually only do so for work, or when I hang out with my crew of Bitches, and we're celebrating putting a douchebag's head on a pike, or something equally as awesome. But just to go home and drink a glass, a bottle of wine or whiskey just for fun...
I'd rather smoke a blunt.
lol, we started a blog that looks the EXACT same the same week...now you gotta join mine!!!