Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Mommy Blogging

So there's been all this hoopla about Mommy Blogging, and what basically boils down to payola or bribes or whatever. Mommies talk about the products they use, and then big companies send them freebies or whatever, so then the Mommies say that whatever product they just got is the best thing ever and that everyone should be using them-even if it's a car seat made out of jello.

Mommies like free stuff. And Mommies talk to other Mommies about things they buy.

Guess who also does that?

Single people. We, too, talk about the products that work and don't work, but we have to pay for them--I don't see anyone sending me a DVR, or video game, or even a free sample of yogurt. If I got something awesome like that, for free, to try out, I would shout it from the roof tops, even if the product wasn't all that good. It's free, and the company had the goodwill to try it out on me.

See, even if a product didn't hit me just right, maybe something I said might hit someone else the right way. Just b/c it doesn't work for me, I wouldn't bad mouth a product. But I wouldn't rave about it, either, just so the company would keep sending me stuff. If it wasn't for me, I would find someone else who would enjoy it.

FTC needs to get off the bloggers' backs...but on the other side of that coin, the bloggers need to up their integrity and not do things that could possibly endanger people.

That being said.....If anyone out there has products you would like ME to try...chocolate, motor oil, computer software, sewing needles, you go on ahead and contact me. If I don't like your product, I will tell you first, and I'll tell you why. I wouldn't bad mouth you without a reason.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Beer Basics from BeerBitch12

Ales vs. Lagers

The word Ale may come from the Old English "ealu," or even further, "alut," which holds connotations of "sorcery, magic, possession, intoxication."

Lager, comes from "lagern," which
means "to store."

An Ale is a type of beer using top-fermented yeast, fermented at higher temps so they ferment faster than lagers. These higher temps produce significant amount of esters, which give the beer a fruity quality, whether it be pineapple, apple, banana, etc., so they have a sweeter, fuller body than lagers.

A Lager is a type of beer that uses bottom-fermented yeast that ferments at lower temperatures at the bottom of the vessel. They are usually light in color and usually fall into one of the three following categories: helles, pale lager or Pilsner. Because of the type of yeast and temperatures used, lagers are more mild than ales and have less fruitiness and spiciness to them, as the lower temps don't release as many esters as in a lager.

That was Beer Lesson #1

Next up: Beer Laws of Oklahoma!

Beginner's Sake 101

Just a few facts, a little information for anyone interested in Sake...

--Sake is often called the "Drink of the Gods" by the Japanese and is produced from rice, water, koji spores and specially selected yeasts.

--Sake is brewed like beer but drinks like a wine, and has 15-16% alcohol per volume (apv).

--Premium sake is to regular sake what Single Malt Scotch is to the blends.

--Premium sake is brewed by family craftsman rather than large industrial manufacturers, and is made by hand rather than machine.

--Premium sake is gluten-free, sulfite free and kosher.

--Sake can be served chilled or warm, at body temperature, and not piping hot, as heat destroys the flavor.

Levels of Sake

Junmai-shu --highest grade of sake made with pure rice and uses less than 70% polished rice. It ends up heavier and tasting fuller than other sake.

Honjozo-shu--has a small amount of ethyl alcohol added during the final stages. Water is added later to keep the alcohol content the same. It's lighter and drier than others and can be served warm.

Ginjo-shu--uses 60% polished rice and is fermented even longer than Junmai, which results in a complex and delicate flavor.

Daiginjo-shu--like Ginjo but the rice is polished to 50% of the original size and takes even longer to make.

Futsuu-shu is any sake that doesn't fit into one of the other categories.

Oklahoma gets a good deal of Futsuu, but the Premium Ginjo is rising in popularity, and is starting to be made available.

Class dismissed!

Info comes from Vine Connections, wineintro.com, and The Sake Handbook.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

There's no clever title today.

I will straight up admit it.

I do not like to see other people happy.

I am fucking irate today.

I am not sure why, exactly.

It's like the PMS/PMDD is extending itself beyond its time, but is EXTREMELY bad RIGHT NOW.

It's August 11, 2009.

So what, right? It's Danyel and Jon Jon's wedding anniversary. It's Turner's birthday. It's Dave Bewley's birthday...It's Derek Bewley's birthday.



So I am in a rage because of THAT? AGAIN? REALLY?

I am really hoping not.

But, yes, as one of my facebook statuses(stati?) I said something about the 4th or 5th worst day of my life being 8/11/02...Right after May 25, 2005, July 1, 2002, and graduation day 2003, or May 3, 2003.

Yes, I know the dates.

Each one is engraved on my mind and soul for all time.

Not to be overly dramatic, or anything.

I am seriously pissed off.

I guess.

I am not entirely sure WHAT I am feeling.

Let's dissect.

I am completely broke. I have no money for gas and I have no idea how I am getting home and back to work tomorrow. Every literal penny I have is gone. I cannot get out of the ghetto that I call home. I can't eat this week.

I am stuck in fucking limbo.

I can't even explain myself well enough, can't get my ideas across, about something I am passionate about...and when I try, I end up losing.

Quitters never win, yes? Well, I wish I had never started.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Why do you have a fake id?/So I can vote.

My childhood is dying, right before my eyes.

Michael Jackson, dead at the age of 50, due to a dr. who couldn't say "No" to the King of Pop, and instead enabled his disease, thereby killing him with a drug that should ONLY be used in ORs, under the careful watch and guidance of an anestheologist.

Not that I had his posters up and was totally enamored of him...I didn't realize how big of a fan I was til I found out he was gone. Sounds about right, for my life.

John Hughes, founder of Shermer, Illinois, director of all 80s movies that really mattered, died today of a heart attack while walking down the street with his family in NYC. "The city claims another victim," so sayeth Jenn Turner.


Creator of Sixteen Candles, Weird Science, The Breakfast Club...Mr. Mom, even. I grew up on this stuff. THIS is what has made me [partially] the smart ass I am today. As sophomoric as "they" say the humor was, it seemed real. It seemed that every Samantha would get her Jake(ha!) and that all misfits had a place. It gave us hope.

Now what do we have? Vampires that sparkle in the sun?

THAT's not hopeful.

THAT's faggy.

RIP John Hughes.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

A moment of Zen...or someone is getting Hate Crimed.

I am irate. But I am not showing it. I am being calm.

I am being downright Zen.

But I am pissed.

And Miss Mary is fluttering about, like there is absolutely nothing wrong.

Well, let me tell you
1) Telling people what is wrong with them in a list form via text message is INCORRECT. 2) Especially when you claim to be FRIENDS with them. 3.) You're a fucking douche.

Seriously, out of all the people that know me, not many KNOW me, and not many LIKE me.

And guess how much I care?

Not much. Or else I would be crying for Annie's forgiveness for saying something stupid. I'm sorry you don't like the truth, sweetie, but regardless of the fact that it's FOR YOUR OWN GOOD, I lived through it, so I can call it like I see it. For instance, I am the Original Gangsta Fag Hag(who is on Fag Sabbatical) and I can call a Fag a Fag. See what I mean?

Anyway, I may be looking for a new job....I can't work under the current gay administration, if you get me...

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Don' t Look

First of all, before I get started, fuck Wikipedia.

Secondly, why do I ALWAYS want what I'm not willing to ask for? What I know I can' t have, don't deserve? Shouldn't ever have?

And why do I want it so bad? Well, I guess I know the answer to that question...but WHY does it have to happen the exact same way everytime?

I hate feeling heartsick over something I can't change. I am who I am, I look like what I do...On the outside of me, it's not that bad, but having all of the knowledge that I possess on this particular subject....it's not enough. I am not enough. Not for anyone else. And that sucks. Because it used to be ok. Now it's not.

It actually hurts...like it did with Derek...only now, it's torture b/c I don't have the choice to run away. I just have to see it, live it, every day.

I know it's more trouble than it's worth, but I don't have any sort of intimate relationship with anyone...Not sex, intimacy, inner knowledge shared with another.

Birthday Hugs are one thing....This is on a different level.

I don't like showing weakness, but that's what I do.

PS On the other side, I keep thinking about the hot bathroom sex I had about 5 or 6 years ago....wish it would have ended differently, or not happened so I could remember it. And weird turtle sex...You don't even understand what is being done to me.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Sleep in Heavenly Peace

This is a day I never thought I would see. Very much like the O.J. Simpson white Bronco situation, I am glued to watching the hearse carrying Michael Jackson's body to the Staples Center.

When Elvis died, it was major.
When Martin Luther King, Jr. was killed, it was major.
When Kurt Cobain took his own life, it was major.

Michael Jackson died, under slightly suspicious circumstances. That is major.

The King of Pop is dead. And it's possible his death could have been avoided. That is a tragedy.

There are some people wondering why I am so upset about this death. Well, 99% of the entire world is upset; this man made a huge impact on my young life, without me evening knowing it. That's one reason. Another is...It's a death. It's another funeral. If you had gone through as much death and been to as many funerals as I have in the past 5 years, you would understand completely.

I don't think I'm a Death Hag, necessarily. I think that I am inches away from Death at any moment of any day, so the Reaper and I are very close.

This is a loss EVERYONE feels. Dancers, singers, actors, black folk, white folk, London Town, Asians, Koreans, Canadians...EVERYONE is feeling, and celebrating and hurting.

How is it possible that we now live in a world without Michael Jackson? When he's been a fixture in our lives and in our hearts for forty years? Now, all of a sudden, he's gone.

How do you even reconcile that?

Sunday, June 28, 2009

High School Musical

When Kurt Cobain killed himself in April of 1994, I had found out that morning on the bus, and then later that morning, in Junior Honors English, I made a really crass joke about it to my best friend Crystal, who had been sitting behind me. We didn't know anything about Grunge--she listened to country and I loved NKOTB. I didn't know anything about the guy, just assumed it was some sort of drugged up rock star who couldn't take it.

I was incredibly wrong. It was only within the last 10-13 years that I really started to respect the man, and understand his music and what he was going through. When I was 16, I had no idea. It wasn't until college that I started to gravitate towards him. And then after I started hanging out with Derek, I really started learning more and more about KC and his music.

Now, Nirvana is one of my favorite bands, and Kurt Cobain in the Top 5 Artists of All Time in my book.

Thursday, June 25, 2009, saw the ending of an era. Michael Jackson, the King of Pop, died of Cardiac Arrest in California.

Michael Jackson.

"Billie Jean." "Beat It." "Bad." "Dangerous." "Thriller."

That Michael Jackson.

TMZ was the first to drop the news on their website, and Tinisha was probably the second person in the land to know. She passed the news onto me, and I onto the work folks, and so on.

I'm very good at telling bad news. However, I texted Rory and Turner. It was a hasty text that didn't necessarily sound believeable.

But it was true.

And, according to recent reports, Michael Jackson died of an accidental overdose of the painkiller Demerol. Which, to me, sounds like the doctor is at fault. He has already lawyered up. He knows he's in trouble. He killed the King of Pop. Too bad Johnnie Cochran isn't around to help him out....

So, since the story broke around 5pm on Thursday, the radio stations and music television stations have been playing the music, and the Behind the Music-style shows for just such a purpose. We've been able to see and hear his progression from childhood to adulthood. Chronologically speaking, anyway.

You see how the person himself, changes, and the music, as time goes on. It's amazing and breathtaking, and even though apparently Invincible was the music world's Ishtar, musically, he could do no wrong.

He invented the Moonwalk, he invented and patented special shoes and new technologies for his video movies....he helped put Africa in the spotlight, and helped to feed hungry people. He may have started the Green movement, some argue.

Others are calling this mourning situation hypocritcal, because his music hasn't been played this much in a while, and he hasn't had a huge call for publicity; i.e. no one is talking about him.

First off, people are ALWAYS talking about Michael Jackson. He is the UNDISPUTED King of Pop. Recognize.

Secondly, just because YOU aren't hearing about him in YOUR OWN TINY LITTLE WORLD, that doesn't mean, other parts of the world aren't celebrating him.
He was just about to hit an upswing, with a bunch of London concert dates that would earn him at least $40 million. Or was it billlion? I forget. Either way, it would have helped him tremendously, in getting him back to the top.

It's unfortunate that his death has had to do that. The top ten albums on just about any downloading site are Michael Jackson. His album sales are THROUGH THE ROOF.
And even if those babies aren't biologically his, they will be taken care of.

I do believe that Neverland should be turned into a museum like Graceland. It only makes sense. Seriously. But I do like Dap's idea that we should all chip in and buy it.

Ok, so Michael Jackson was never on my list as one of my favorite artists.

Now, before I get shot, let me explain this statement.

As Kurt Cobain before him, I didn't actively listen to his music. I didn't really have money for to buy all the music in the land that I wanted, and I still don't. I get most of my music from the radio. So I don't get to hear the entire Thriller or Bad album, only bits and pieces here and there.

But since all of the tributes have started(BET being the latest, with their awards show) I've been getting a greater sense, a greater feel. I thought Tinisha was going to kill me because I'd never seen Moonwalker or heard all of "Dirty Diana." And no, I haven't seen The Wiz, either.
But I understand why everyone is grieving, and mourning and celebrating and playing his music.

So I have to say....If you don't care/like the music/are tired of it, I don't actually care. I HOPE the radio stations keep playing the music, I HOPE that MTV actually continues to play the videos, any videos, really. And as I said, on my Facebook post the other day,

Don't stop until you get enough. Grieve and mourn and celebrate in your own way, in your own time. I know death, and while this isn't an immediate family member, he is still family. And no amount of horrible jokes about pedophilia are going to dim what the man was: A Consummate performer who cared deeply about other people. He was The Perfomer.

To the haters: Think what you want. You're in the minority. Just don't push it in my face.

To the rest: Send good thoughts and vibes out into the universe. He'll get them.
He may be busy getting a show together in the Ether world, with Jerry and Jimi and whoever...but damn, aren't those some lucky fans?

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Life is what you make of it

Well, guess what? I'm not making lemonade....

When it rains, it pours.

So I'm getting my hours cut at work.

Obviously that means less money.

Less chance of me being able to move out of the ghetto anytime soon.

More chance of me going absolutely nuts. 

I really, really, really hate money. I hate that I have to have it, for every little thing. It DOES make the world go 'round when you have absolutely nothing else to spin your world.

So I am about to be screwed. The new shoes, the new underclothes that I was going to buy b/c I don't have any that aren't falling apart....well, that's out. It's strictly Rent, Electric, Phone, Gas & Food. There are no entertainment options. I barely get by with the gas and food. And I have two loans that I need to be paying off, but am totally unable to do.

I just don't see me getting another job. An additional one. I don't see me getting a "better" job, either. I think the job that I have is just fine. There's talk of promotion, but not until business gets better, or sold.

So there's no way to go up right now. Just in pay, and that's only twice a year. Ha. I say "only," but it took me four years at Panera to get to just over $9. I had to start over at C & B, but I made it to $10 in less than a year. Sure, there's a cap, but damn, just give me some hours and keep me in the double digits!

Yes, when it rains it pours. I'm working on my book. Had to start a complete chapter overhaul last night. I'm supposed to try to be done by September. I really don't think this is going to happen.

Oh, why isn't there someone awesome and cool out there who I can either live with or rent from and still live my life but also have someone to come home to or some cheaper place to come home to? I'm jealous of Haque and Chris Curtis. Hell, I'm jealous of boys. Their lives are so simple. It's easy to make them happy.

Who am I kidding? I couldn't live with anyone. I'm the Worst Roommate Ever. I really am. I hold the title...proudly, I guess. As a result, I won't ever get cheap rent again. I can't live with friends, and I don't have a man to come home to who will treat me right and make me dinner and give me back rubs. It hurts me that I'm totally glad that I don't have a man to come home to. Sure, I get lonely, but I don't have to answer to anyone. I don't have to have dinner ready when he gets home, I can shower whenever I want, I can eat whenever, whatever. 

I have no one to impress. I don't have to work hard for anyone. I don't care anymore about that. I am quite content living the way I do. Clean apartment or no, I don't have anyone to answer to. I don't have any visitors to my apartment besides Rory and Jef, but who cares?

All of you should be ashamed of yourselves.

You told me I didn't need a man to be happy, that I could make myself happy.

Well, thanks. As a result of that, I have become way more selfish and self-involved. I was already that before, but now it's worse. "Spend time on YOU." I HAVE spent time on me. Thirty two years worth of time I have spent on myself. I know myself. I like myself(or I am at least resigned to those things I cannot change--oh, boy, starting to sound like the serenity prayer from AA). I am just fine with myself. It is everyone else that has a problem with me. Guess what? I don't care. I don't have to care about anyone's feelings but my own. People around me don't like that. "What? You mean you aren't going to spare my feelings? You're going to give me the truth?" Bitch, please. I don't have time to tap dance around your life, I have mine to get back to.

I would like to apologize for not seeing or speaking to most people I know. Like Jenny & Bryan & Sawyer...and Cris and Dri....Shannon....they know I love them, even if I don't talk to them on a daily basis, weekly, monthly....even if all I have is Facebook, or Twitter. I can show them that way. Just b/c I don't call, doesn't mean I don't love you or want to be anywhere around you....

It's just easier. I feel like I'm getting in the way, anyway. My path is different.

I probably should have listened when they read that Robert Frost poem at high school graduation. I probably wouldn't be in the fix I'm in today. 

Or maybe I would.

1. The Road Not Taken
TWO roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;        5
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,        10
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.        15
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

My Big Talent

I have a Big Talent. I have a few smaller ones, but only one Big Talent. And I'm totally ashamed of it.

I have an incredibly vivid imagination. But it's incredibly boring. All I think of is sex. Well, romance novel type scenarios. All I can think of in any given day is one or two storylines in particular...music is a big inspiration, so anytime I hear a particular song, I can be sent into a trance. 

I can write smut. And well.

That's my talent. I have a filthy mind, so I'm trying to exploit it. It needs to be used for SOMETHING. Hopefully this is something for which I can get paid.

I am almost done with the fourth edit of my novel( I really hate calling it a novel, although that IS what it is.). It's slow going. As soon as this edit is done, I will print it again, and do a fifth edit, and try to answer all the questions I have and fix it as best I can. Then one or two people will get to read and edit for grammar, etc & content. Then I shall re-fix, and get a packet together to send to all the editors in the land.

The basis is something that is near to me. I can't say "near and dear" b/c it sho' ain't dear. Hello, worst moment of my life on paper...no, it's not all that dear. But it's a story that has a beginning, a middle, and an end. I can't say "closure," b/c I don't think that closure actually occurred. Not that it matters. What the hell ever. I'm talking about my book.

I am horribly embarrassed about letting anyone read it who isn't a fan of romance novels. The RN fan would be a possible easy sell. They know the structure, and what's supposed to be happening in the book. I'm afraid of what others will say....see, if I can't write a book and let people read it, then what the hell is the point?

I haven't EVER let anyone read ANY of the smut I've written....I posted some of it on my myspace blog....got Jenny all interested in "Ian and Eliza" but abandoned them in favor of a new couple: "Chris and Julie."

They were supposed to have different names, but as they have been around for about a year, the names stuck. The characters became these people. I can't just up and change their names now.

So I have characters. Mostly really fleshed out characters b/c they are all based on SOMEONE...or five or six someones. There' s only one character who makes a brief appearance that I can't name or put any attributes to...He's basically Dr. Bristow, but I can't call the character "Don." I don't actually want the man to know that he's one of my characters....

I stated that wrong. The character I am thinking about is similar to Daddy B. But this character, just a one time director, is not the most important character. Plus, he is just one professor personality of many who is being used as a template for this character. 

I don't know who the character is.....

And you know, if that is my biggest problem right now with the book, then yay. 

Why am I worrying about him? He's a Red Shirt going on an away mission. He isn't the most important part. Julie and her stormy blue eyes are pretty important. Chris and his hot, liquid brown eyes are important. But The Director? Just one minor character who may, or may not ever return.

I need to set a deadline. September I do believe will be a year since I started writing the story. 

God, this story has taken so long to tell. I'm tired of it, and almost no longer care.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

The Industrial Revolution

That title is misleading. This isn't about the actual Industrial Revolution....it's been way too long for me to remember anything about it, so I added a link just in case anyone wanted to refresh themselves.

I don't even think that "Industrial Revolution" is the proper terminology for what I'm thinking about. IR was just something that popped into my head.

I just wanted to talk about my relationships. My relationships with my technology and machines. NOT THOSE MACHINES. You filthy beast.  

I'm talking about the computer, the internet, the cell phone that allows me to Tweet at any moment of the day. 

When I'm at work, I'm constantly attached to the computer, doing one thing or another. Facebook, Myspace, Twitter. For work and for myself. Promoting the business, or talking about SOMETHING completely ridiculous. Like right now, I'm ringing someone up, waiting for their money, while I'm blogging this.

I get sucked into the computer's vortex, especially since I don't have the internet at home.

At home, I have the computer, and a tv, and an ipod and other stuff that makes life a little bit harder, while trying to add to it. It doesn't actually add, it totally detracts. 

A few months ago I installed The Sims Deluxe Edition on my computer. I was taking a break from writing my book--the subject matter was getting too intense for me--so I played The Sims, day and night for a month or two. I haven't slept a proper night since sometime in late March. I have completely effed up my back, b/c I don't have a proper desk or chair. I am in so much pain.
I can't go to bed until 4 or 5 am...sometimes due to The Sims and sometimes due to the fact that I just can't sleep.

So I'm smoking too much, sleeping not enough, sleeping too late, not eating properly, too much caffeine...

Dude. It sucks. I am not enjoying this.

This is a shift, a change, due to my work schedule changing. I work nights now, mostly. I haven't worked a morning in months. My whole life is a little upside down. I'm not complaining(too hard); I've got a good job where I am allowed to be on the internet for the entire shift(in between customers and stocking). 

I feel like I'm becoming a cyborg. Resistance is futile, and all that. I have bonded more with this computer that I am working on than I have the people I work with. (Although with one of them, it's probably a good thing, or else I would be in another world of hurt)

Technological Revolution...that' s the terminology I was looking for.... I need a new Technological Revolution. One where I bond more with humans than the machines. I don't want ALL of my relationships to have to do with the machines....tv, blogging, music....conversation...For God's sake, when I play The Sims, their lives are just as dull as mine. 

So what the hell am I getting out of it?

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Get Lost in a Star Trek

I love me some J.J. Abrams. I love me some Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof. They have got some crazy minds. Are they crazy enough, though, to give away hints from Lost during Star Trek?

Think about that for a second.

Are you with me?

At the end of Season 5 of Lost, the bomb presumably goes off, the screen goes white, the letters black. My immediate thought is...wait for it....Alternate Reality.

And why not? Locke isn't Locke, and half of them are in 1977, so why not?

I'm very ok with the idea of a possible alternate reality....(I'm not all that pleased with the "God" and "Biblical" direction...I am enjoying the Egyptian & philosophers side though).

And then I watch the Star Trek. Three times. Twice on my computer(thanks, Jef) and once at AMC Quail, so I had ample opportunity to come to this conclusion. Also, plenty of time to think on the Spock/Kirk & Jack/Sawyer relationships. 

There were just so many similarities that are hard to ignore....And while I love the way these guys work, sometimes it's easy to predict(but sometimes they surprise the hell out of you).


What's up with the new guy?
What has Ben done to the statue? (You gotta know he's done SOMETHING.... "It was like that when I got here?" As Sun said, "You expect me to believe that?")
When are Sun and Jin gonna get their reunion?
Where is Claire?
Is Juliet dead and/or pregnant?
Why is Aaron so important?
Are all of the ghosts going to come back?
Is this an angel and demon kind of thing? 
Is Jacob where the white light for all the flashes came from? On that same hand, is the Dark fella the Smoke monster?
Does Kate deserve Sawyer?

I just know the answer to the last: No.

And Jacob says to "Flocke":  "They're coming."


And that thing....."everything else is progress"? In my head this means all of this has happened before, over and over....maybe the last time it wasn't a plane, but a big ol ship...The Black Rock, perhaps? 

What's in a name?/Blame it on the ...X?

Ok, I am calling my newest blog The Rehab Lounge. I've always thought that would be a great name for a bar. (Other cool names include The Loading Dock, or The Fly Rail). 

Wait a minute. I think there actually is a bar named Rehab Lounge.....I think it was stuck in my memory somewhere.....from Jan. 1, 1997....the Dallas trip with Sara Jane, Turner, Katie and Leazel(!)....I think that the bar next door to the place where Sara Jane got her tongue pierced and Katie got her tattoo was called The Rehab Lounge. And I think I may actually have a picture of the sign somewhere...If I find it, I'm so posting it as my profile pic here. I also have a picture of Katie getting her tattoo; I watched the entire process. Hence, part of the reason I won't get inked.

So the name has stuck with me I guess.

And the name has been true enough for the apartment I call The Rehab Lounge. I said in my previous blog that I don't like to drink all that much(well, my parents were alcoholics, what do you expect? I do have my own addictive traits...just not booze), but I had plenty of issues with X, eh? I ate probably 500 tabs or more that Lost Summer of 2001, and haven't had many since. I say "many" because I know there were a few since then. No more than 3, if that. I reserve all my habits for smoking...and prescription pills like muscle relaxors or lortab--BECAUSE OF ACTUAL PAIN, and not just for fun, because, truly, they aren't all that fun.

I got burned out on booze in college...well, who wouldn't, after all of the McCormick's Vodka and the Beast you can hold? But now I know what to drink and what not to drink(Aventinus, yes. Red wine, no) I like to drink really expensive stuff. It's lucky for me that I DON'T drink very much, else my paycheck would go back to the store. Even with the discount I can't afford to drink anything but what's on the Pick 6...

See, I'm a Chivas or Glenlivet, a Stoli & U'luvka or New Amsterdam & Whitley Neill kind of girl.
I will unerringly pick a $42 bottle of wine over a $13, without knowing the price.

But I'm not high maintenance.

No, really.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Where ARE all of the Sex Offenders?

So I'm not actually actively looking...this was just a topic of conversation between a co-worker and myself. It's a slow night here at C&B...well, it's Monday...not many people want to get their margarita on tonight, I guess. 

I don't actually like to drink. Do you think this is a problem for a person who works in a liquor store? I'll go to trade shows and taste a little of everything, even stuff I don't like, for work. But if it's left up to me, I won't drink. I don't like the way it makes me feel, all tired and fuzzy. Pot makes some people feel that way(not me, I'm the Vision of Clarity after bong rips), but booze does it to me. Beer I can deal with just fine, as long as it's not Bud or anything they can sell cold in Oklahoma. Wine is the devil. I get too hot too fast. Not that kind of hot. Just flushed and wobbly. Liquor is hardly ever a good idea for me. It always hurts the next day....unless it's really low in proof or super girly. I can't let go and have fun, because I know what can happen. I mean, one delicious 9% apv beer (well, two), and a 100 proof shot of Rumple Minze can turn into a really bad night where you vandalize things....Not that that has happened....

But do you see what I mean? I don't like to drink, and usually only do so for work, or when I hang out with my crew of Bitches, and we're celebrating putting a douchebag's head on a pike, or something equally as awesome. But just to go home and drink a glass, a bottle of wine or whiskey just for fun...

I'd rather smoke a blunt.