Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Mommy Blogging

So there's been all this hoopla about Mommy Blogging, and what basically boils down to payola or bribes or whatever. Mommies talk about the products they use, and then big companies send them freebies or whatever, so then the Mommies say that whatever product they just got is the best thing ever and that everyone should be using them-even if it's a car seat made out of jello.

Mommies like free stuff. And Mommies talk to other Mommies about things they buy.

Guess who also does that?

Single people. We, too, talk about the products that work and don't work, but we have to pay for them--I don't see anyone sending me a DVR, or video game, or even a free sample of yogurt. If I got something awesome like that, for free, to try out, I would shout it from the roof tops, even if the product wasn't all that good. It's free, and the company had the goodwill to try it out on me.

See, even if a product didn't hit me just right, maybe something I said might hit someone else the right way. Just b/c it doesn't work for me, I wouldn't bad mouth a product. But I wouldn't rave about it, either, just so the company would keep sending me stuff. If it wasn't for me, I would find someone else who would enjoy it.

FTC needs to get off the bloggers' backs...but on the other side of that coin, the bloggers need to up their integrity and not do things that could possibly endanger people.

That being said.....If anyone out there has products you would like ME to try...chocolate, motor oil, computer software, sewing needles, you go on ahead and contact me. If I don't like your product, I will tell you first, and I'll tell you why. I wouldn't bad mouth you without a reason.


  1. For the non-parent type people, this is known as Mystery Shopping. We have done things such as test out tp, shampoo and cereal - they send the freebie... you try it and send back what is left at the end of the trial period (if anything)... then they send you money.

    My husband knows of a few sites that offer mystery shops for pay - if you are interested, I can get them and send them to you. (They don't pay tons, but if you have the dedication to do a few here and there, it can definitely add up.)

  2. The would be fantastic! Sorry about the UBER Late reply, but for some reason, I've never been able to see my comments!

    If you're interested in reading anything else from me, I have 4 blogs under the heading of The Rehab Lounge: Kitchen, Bar, Library.

