Saturday, September 10, 2011

A Story Forever: A Music Review

Mike Peralta is a Music Man from SoCal, whose lyrics make him a great contemporary poet. His songs reach out and enchant you, with their soft, emotive nature. And they sometimes surprise you with a little touch of humor in just the right place.

In my opinion, his songs would add great value, and heart, to a good many movie soundtracks in place of lesser songs by “name” bands. As a matter of fact, when I listen to songs such as “Starlit Moon,” or “She Wants Me,” from the album Music of My Youth, I can picture one of today’s young ingenues walking down wet pavement hand in hand with one of the hot, young romantic heroes of the hour under an umbrella after all has been said and done, and they have gotten their happy ending. Or the young heroine sitting at the window staring out sadly at all the happy couples on the street. (Obviously I watch too many movies, huh?)

While I enjoy each and every song of Mike P’s that I have heard, there is a special place in my tiny little heart for “New Girlfriend,” a song that blends together a catchy tune, a little anger, and a special touch of humor. (I refuse to ruin this one for you. You have got to hear it for yourself.)

Mike is one of my Twitter buddies. I’m not exactly sure how I found him, possibly via another Twitter buddy, @ActuallyAnthony, but I am thankful that I did. Mike is a super nice guy, with a great sense of humor, who actually likes to connect with his fans and keeps us up to date on what’s going on in his world. He hosts chats on his website, tweets with us, blogs, throws mp3 giveaways quite frequently, which is how I came to know his music. It’s nice to get to know the man behind the music. I like to be able to understand where his songs are coming from.

Mike’s newest single, “A Story Forever,” was released just yesterday on his website, iTunes, and Amazon, and is already making waves amongst his fans. “A Story Forever” has that Mike Peralta sound I’ve come to know and love, but this time, joining his guitar and lead vocals, are light drums, strings and some back up synth vocals. None of the latter overwhelm the former; in my opinion, they all blend together to form a pretty perfect song that is both similar and different from the other songs in his repertoire.

I say similar, because, as I said, you get the familiar Mike Peralta sound, but it’s different because of the sorrow that you can hear in the music and in the lyrics, something quite different from “New Girlfriend,” and even “I Want to Be Sad,” a song about a young man who sees sadness in everything around him.

To find out a little about the story behind “A Story Forever,” check out Mike Peralta’s blog on his website. If you subscribe to the newsletter, you automatically get a free mp3 download. Cruise around a little to check out his discography and give a listen. For your convenience, he has useful links such as iTunes, Amazon, Myspace, Facebook, and Twitter posted on the main page. (He even has a link to find other fans!)Follow him on Twitter @mikeperalta. If you see him online, just say “Hi.” It’s a great ice breaker.

Ps. I borrowed both pics from Mike’s website, totally without permission. Thank you and sorry!

Monday, April 18, 2011

My Love Letter to Daytime Tv

Dear Daytime Tv of My Childhood,

The world and the Powers that Be want you to change. Disappear. Become more…real.
I disagree with this decision wholeheartedly and am doing what I can to fight the good fight. We’ve got allies in high places, and all the “little people” are doing what we can to save you.

I, for one, want you to stay the way you are. You are, and you have been for 30 years, my escape, my inspiration. Since the moment I came home from my one and only day at preschool, and sat down to see Julie Williams’(Susan Hayes, DAYS) face on the screen.

You have been there to comfort me when I was sick. You have also been the REASON I was “sick” on many an occasion. You have added romance to a life where previously there was none.

I was upset when Another World went away and Days of Our Lives lost its damn mind, so I sought sanctuary at ABC, with three strong leaders of daytime. All My Children(Greg & Jenny forever!), One Life to Live(how can you not love Tess? And Todd? And Blair? And-) General Hospital, where the women look good AND run the show, and the men look good and back up their women.

I have been faithful to the three ABC soaps for the past several years, recording days and days on an old VHS so I don’t miss what happened with Dorian and David or Kendall and Zack. So it’s understandable that I am upset with the news of One Life to Live and All My Children’s cancellations. I cried like I had just lost my best friend. I started shaking, got furious, and got pro-active. I was not about to take this lying down, ESPECIALLY not when the man who made this decision wants to treat us like trained animals and force us to watch what HE wants us to watch. (I love you, Tim Gunn, but I do NOT need a lifestyle show)

So. There is a Facebook campaign. Twitter is heated with #saveoursoap hashtags #fireFrons is another popular one. There are petitions. If you want to help Save Our Soaps, then just jump in. The more physical letters the better. Email, call, write your local affiliate that their ratings will be going down after the shows are gone. Warn them about the money they will be losing. Talk to their ad department. Email the sponsors whose commercials air during our shows. Tell THEM not only will you boycott their products, but there is no reason for them to watch daytime tv anymore, once the shows are gone.

Write the crew. Write the actors. Send a letter to the writers, thanking them for what they’ve been doing. It’s not a sign of giving up, it’s sending our support to THEM. Several hundred people will soon be unemployed. They could use our support as well.

Dearest Daytime, I am urging everyone I can to speak up and make their displeasure known. If the viewers get into an uproar and start bringing money into the fray ( THANK YOU, HOOVER!) they will listen with both ears. You don’t mess with a businessman and his money.

I dare say, my dearest daytime tv, we have learned a thing or to in our time.

Keeping Romance Alive,

Samantha Jane

If you are interested in helping save One Life to Live and All My Children, I’ve gleaned the following info from other SOS sites.

Robert A. Iger
President and CEO
Walt Disney Company
500 S. Buena Vista Street
Mail Stop 1062
Burbank, CA 91521

Anne X. Sweeney
ABC Television Network
500 S. Buena Vista Street
Burbank, CA 91521

Brian Frons
ABC Daytime Programming
500 S. Buena Vista Street
Burbank, CA 91521

Proctor & Gamble
Dave McCracken
NA MDO External Relations
One Procter & Gamble Plaza
Cincinnati, OH 45202
Phone: 513-983-6248

Marie-Laure Salvado
Director, External Relations North America MDO
One Procter & Gamble Plaza
Cincinnati, OH 45202
Phone: 513-893-7643
Fax: 513-945-4412

Gerri Cunnigan
NA MDO External Relations
One Procter & Gamble Plaza
Cincinnati, OH 45202
Phone: 513-983-0816

Kimberly Clark
Kimberly-Clark Corporation
PO Box 619100
Dallas, TX 75261-9100
Phone: 972-281-1200
Fax: 972-281-1490

Colonial Penn
Colonial Penn Life Insurance Company
399 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA 19181
Phone: 1-877-877-8052

And let’s not forget Disney’s Board of Directors. If thousands of angry soap fans suddenly decided to boycott their products, how would they feel about cancelling the soaps. Board members who run or are on the board of other companies who you can contact are:

John S. Chen
Sybase Inc.
Sybase, United States Headquarters
One Sybase Drive
Dublin, CA 94568
Phone: 1-800-SYBASE5 (792.2735) or 1-925-236-5000

Judith L. Estrin
2455 Augustine Drive
Santa Clara, CA 95054
Phone: 408.490.1000
Fax: 408.562.0080

Steve Jobs
Apple, Inc.
1 Infinite Loop
Cupertino, CA 95014
Phone: 408.996.1010
Fred H. Langhammer

Estee Lauder
767 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10153
Phone: 212-572-4200

Aylwin B. Lewis
Potbelly Sandwich Works
222 Merchandise Mart Plz
23rd Floor
Chicago, IL 60654
Phone: (312) 951-0600
Monica C. Lozano

impreMedia, LLC
700 S. Flower Street, Suite 3000
Los Angeles, CA 90017
Phone: (213) 622-8332

Robert W. Matschullat
The Clorox Company
1221 Broadway
Oakland, CA 94612
Phone: (510) 271-7000
Robert W. Matschullat

Visa Inc.
Visa Inc
900 Metro Center Blvd.
Foster City, CA 94404
Phone: 650-432-3200
Fax: 650-432-7436

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Twitter Is My Shrink

I had a new kind of breakdown last night. It was different from the others in that I wasn't sobbing hysterically or angry or hurt or feeling anything other than...well, I'm not really sure what I was feeling. Not jealousy. Maybe envy tinged with regret. But I knew, years ago, that the regret would come. It was one of those, "I'm going to do THIS. I know THIS is going to make me feel like THIS in the future, so don't complain about it when it happens." I'm not exactly complaining. Just trying to write out and understand the feelings. So. I "went off" several times in 140 characters or less. It's nothing explosive, you see. Just stuff that was in my head that needed to get out. It seemed like it should be a blog instead, so here I am. I'm not re-formatting or re-wording anything, as tonight's emotions would color what I wrote last night.

Reading a blog of a person I used to call "friend"--I can't call anyone "Friend" b/c I'm not one anymore. It hurts to see what I've missed..

I have limitations, mostly monetary, some mental, & I HAVE2live w/i my limits. I've always been "Baby in the corner" b/c I put myself there.

It's easier to be away from everyone for me. My head is so full, I can't focus on anything. So i'm trying to focus on ME, as everyone says 2

I've never really been part of a group. I'm the one on the outskirts, watching, feeling, emoting, not feeling cared for. Still there.

So I don't trust easily. And when I do, it usually ends up badly. So. No trusting. No friends. No fun. All raw emotion and nowhere to put it

It makes me wish that I was taught the RIGHT way to be a human, to be a person. I wasn't. No one taught me. They thought I already knew.

But I don't. And that's why I get the looks, or the cold shoulder, from mostly everyone. "Oh, Sam's here. Ok." I'd like to walk into a room

like my little David Mays and get the "Norm" treatment. I don't want to take anything away from my David, b/c I adore him, but I'm jealous

of that little fucker. I won't lie. He's awesome. Even when he's DOWN, he's awesome. And I don't have the tools to be there for him.

I lost my dad before he lost his, so I should have known how to show him how to get through it. But I'm not like everyone else, so I can't.

I have to concentrate all my energies on surviving, not dying, and just staying afloat. Everyone else has great "salaried" careers. I don't.

My only problem w/that is the $$$ I don't have to go places & do things. So I'm at home. I had what I would call a successful theatre career

In my time in the theatre, I worked on or participated in 200 or more shows and did a fairly decent job. THAT was my career. I have retired

from the theatre due2some BULL SHIT that was thrown at me. Now I'm becoming even more hermity as a writer, my FIRST love, & ppl don't get it

And I certainly don't expect them to. I was raised NOT to have friends, but acquaintances. I didn't do sleepovers, phone calls. I did recess

And having acquaintances seems much safer than the alternative.I wasted SEVEN years on some mess. Thankfully I got the gist of that mess on

paper, which is Story #1. Thanks for the life experience, Dbag. (Yes, DBag. The anger comes nearly a decade later.) I was stunted by this

experience, and wasn't able to be open and giving at a time when I needed to be, or needed something from them(something being support)

I'm even more closed off now. I focus my emotions on the stories I'm trying to develop. I want, I need, I would like to have, but why give

voice to those things I won't ever have? I wasn't put on this earth for anything other than to learn and create. I wasn't put here 2 love or

be loved. I'm here to experience all the bad, take it in so that others won't necessarily have to experience it. I'm the empath. I feel what

others feel, but hold no excitement, love, peace, serenity, happiness for myself. It's not to be. I feel as if I was hatched from an egg.

I got the worst version of parents available. Sure, I blame them for a BUNCH of stuff, at the beginning, but then who's at fault later?

Their influence was there, of course, but then I got to be "on my own" ish and went nutbag crazy. And went downhill from there.

The. End.

That's it. It's disjointed. It's imperfect. It's real. It's vulnerable. It's true. There's no "Throw me a pity party" here, not an explanation, but just the way I feel and have felt. I would say I'm more of an observer, but my sightlines have diminished quite a bit since I started throwing people off my island.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Only in My Dreams

So I just woke up. I was having a dream, and I really needed to wake up from it. It wasn't a nightmare, but it did make me sad.

Ok, so I was...somewhere...and I was by myself, I think I was at a camp site or in the lot of a concert site or something, but there's available storage, or a car, not sure which. In my mind, it's one of my old bedrooms from my childhood, the blue one with all the sun. But it's pretty much just me, a chair and an umbrella, which I'm getting ready to set up on some rocks. I have a tent in this room, but as I tell the person who latches onto me, I'm not putting up the tent b/c my nieces and nephew and their mother used it for a camping trip and it's all wet and fishy inside. This person, a female, kind of a cross between "Mellie'/"November" from Dollhouse and the lesbian from my 8th grade year who kept trying to sleep with me. (Just for the record, EW.). I think this is one reason I'm not setting up the tent. I also mention that we're on top of gravelly rocks and I just want my chair.

All of a sudden, this vision kind of just goes away, and I'm at this super awesome cabin in the woods at a huge party. There are tons of people there, and I know most of them, but, in real life, I don' t recognize them. Like, I don't see Lauren and Jimmy, but I can feel Richard and Carlye. Sort of. I know these people have been my friends, but I'm not sure about now. I sense an ill feeling, like not everyone likes me. And I just want to go out for a cigarette. I think the weirdo from earlier is kind of there, I think, trying to get me to be alone with her--ish. I think I go out for a cigarette, which I don't remember, and go back in and people are talking about my "rival."

For some reason, I'm really craving another cigarette. I think it's chilly outside, so I'm looking for my black hoodie---which I haven't worn in years; it's my Stage Manager hoodie that I retired a few years ago--and I thought I had put it on the loveseat by the front door. I looked, not there. I looked around a bit and returned to the loveseat but there were people on it. I saw what looked like it, but didn't really pay attention.

I went back into another room to look and people were telling me my rival was there. Insanely curious, but really looking for my jacket so I could go smoke, I walk back into the front room, where the girl who plays "Mia," I think, on Days of Our Lives, is coming towards me with a big fake smile and a present. She smiles at me, holds up her present, says something, and keeps walking. (This is strange in real life b/c A. I don't have a rival, and 2. I don't watch Days a whole lot anymore, but I did see a scene with this girl, and she was carrying around a present.)

She continues on into the back of the house, but it seems the place is abuzz with the news that the "Rivals" are in the same place. "Rival" is the term from my dream, not the one I chose.
I continue my search for my jacket, but soon give it up, willing to freeze. I head toward the front door and it opens to reveal...Brian Jones.

(Brian Jones is the name of my second grade crush(which I just now remembered), and also the name of a very talented actor from UCO, and one boy I never had in my sights. He was already taken(by pure Evil) by the time I met him. Sure, he was cute, talented, smart, but I never thought of him in a lustful, gotta have you kind of way. I barely knew him.)

So. In walks UCO actor Brian Jones, and I think he's wearing a letterman-style coat. I can feel the material beneath my cheek when I hug him. Apparently he's my fiance. And he used to be "Mia's." I'm excited and grateful to see him. The paparazzi didn't follow him. He's a soap actor. H

He asks me what I'm doing. I want a cigarette and I'm looking for my jacket. I drag him all over the cabin to find it, again. I think I see it under someone's butt on the loveseat and try to pull it from under them, but I give up, thinking it's not my jacket. I say, "I give up. I'll just freeze." So Brian and I go outside on the porch where we're mostly alone. That's when I notice I'm wearing my ugly winter coat. I chastise Brian for not telling me that I was already wearing one. But I didn't have it on inside. And it's warm enough outside not to be wearing one, so I shed it and leave it on the porch before I lean my cheek against his chest. My hand goes up to feel his neck, his cheek, his hair. I can't remember if I say it first, or he does, but one of us says, "I love you." The other says it back.

I feel surprised to hear the words. I think I said it first. "I love you." And he says, "I love you, too." And he means it. Experimentally, I say it again, with more feeling, and cuddling into him. He says it back again. I can feel his love. We just stand there with our arms around each other, and then I wake up.

I made myself wake up. I was too disturbed by this. I have never said these words to a person and really meant it. Actually, I've only said these words, for this kind of love, once, in a refurbished barn, to someone who didn't deserve it or say it back. But I've never said it to someone and them said it back, him knowing every bit of me and still saying it. But I felt it when he said it back. And in that moment, I was incredibly happy, and fulfilled. For that second. Until I woke up, incredibly confused as to why I was dreaming about a boy I didn't even really know, haven't thought about in a long time.

I'm sure this is all fraught with meaning, but it doesn't matter. Humans have a basic need for love. I want it, sure, but I'm not going to get it. Logically speaking, it's ok. I've already come to terms with what I'm not going to have. Mostly because I don't want it. I don't want anyone to know me that well again. No, I don't want to get hurt again, so there's a wall between me and everyone else. It's safer for me to do this, easier to keep everyone at arm's length, because I know that the only person who I could love that wholly and could love me back like that doesn't exist. There isn't a man alive who could put up with/deal with/be with me. And that's ok. It doesn't keep me from wanting all that, but once I realized that isn't going to happen, and that's not going to be what fulfills me, that I have another plan, another purpose on this earth, it's fine.

Yes, it's lonely. Yes, I would love to cuddle on the couch watching a movie on a cold night, or spend a whole rainy Sunday in bed, but that isn't my destiny. I don't have big dreams, or aspirations. I just do what I can, what I have to to survive and keep myself busy. I've cut a lot of people out of my inner circle...right now, I have two straight females in that inner circle, a gay man, and two other straight girls in the next circle, a couple of couples in the next and the one after is where I put the one straight boy I talked to. Everyone else is just about inconsequential. They fall where they fall. I keep them away b/c my friendship is inconsequential. They live their lives, and I'm a fringe friend. I've been like this since I was a kid.

So, it's nothing new.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Mommy Blogging

So there's been all this hoopla about Mommy Blogging, and what basically boils down to payola or bribes or whatever. Mommies talk about the products they use, and then big companies send them freebies or whatever, so then the Mommies say that whatever product they just got is the best thing ever and that everyone should be using them-even if it's a car seat made out of jello.

Mommies like free stuff. And Mommies talk to other Mommies about things they buy.

Guess who also does that?

Single people. We, too, talk about the products that work and don't work, but we have to pay for them--I don't see anyone sending me a DVR, or video game, or even a free sample of yogurt. If I got something awesome like that, for free, to try out, I would shout it from the roof tops, even if the product wasn't all that good. It's free, and the company had the goodwill to try it out on me.

See, even if a product didn't hit me just right, maybe something I said might hit someone else the right way. Just b/c it doesn't work for me, I wouldn't bad mouth a product. But I wouldn't rave about it, either, just so the company would keep sending me stuff. If it wasn't for me, I would find someone else who would enjoy it.

FTC needs to get off the bloggers' backs...but on the other side of that coin, the bloggers need to up their integrity and not do things that could possibly endanger people.

That being said.....If anyone out there has products you would like ME to try...chocolate, motor oil, computer software, sewing needles, you go on ahead and contact me. If I don't like your product, I will tell you first, and I'll tell you why. I wouldn't bad mouth you without a reason.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Beer Basics from BeerBitch12

Ales vs. Lagers

The word Ale may come from the Old English "ealu," or even further, "alut," which holds connotations of "sorcery, magic, possession, intoxication."

Lager, comes from "lagern," which
means "to store."

An Ale is a type of beer using top-fermented yeast, fermented at higher temps so they ferment faster than lagers. These higher temps produce significant amount of esters, which give the beer a fruity quality, whether it be pineapple, apple, banana, etc., so they have a sweeter, fuller body than lagers.

A Lager is a type of beer that uses bottom-fermented yeast that ferments at lower temperatures at the bottom of the vessel. They are usually light in color and usually fall into one of the three following categories: helles, pale lager or Pilsner. Because of the type of yeast and temperatures used, lagers are more mild than ales and have less fruitiness and spiciness to them, as the lower temps don't release as many esters as in a lager.

That was Beer Lesson #1

Next up: Beer Laws of Oklahoma!

Beginner's Sake 101

Just a few facts, a little information for anyone interested in Sake...

--Sake is often called the "Drink of the Gods" by the Japanese and is produced from rice, water, koji spores and specially selected yeasts.

--Sake is brewed like beer but drinks like a wine, and has 15-16% alcohol per volume (apv).

--Premium sake is to regular sake what Single Malt Scotch is to the blends.

--Premium sake is brewed by family craftsman rather than large industrial manufacturers, and is made by hand rather than machine.

--Premium sake is gluten-free, sulfite free and kosher.

--Sake can be served chilled or warm, at body temperature, and not piping hot, as heat destroys the flavor.

Levels of Sake

Junmai-shu --highest grade of sake made with pure rice and uses less than 70% polished rice. It ends up heavier and tasting fuller than other sake.

Honjozo-shu--has a small amount of ethyl alcohol added during the final stages. Water is added later to keep the alcohol content the same. It's lighter and drier than others and can be served warm.

Ginjo-shu--uses 60% polished rice and is fermented even longer than Junmai, which results in a complex and delicate flavor.

Daiginjo-shu--like Ginjo but the rice is polished to 50% of the original size and takes even longer to make.

Futsuu-shu is any sake that doesn't fit into one of the other categories.

Oklahoma gets a good deal of Futsuu, but the Premium Ginjo is rising in popularity, and is starting to be made available.

Class dismissed!

Info comes from Vine Connections,, and The Sake Handbook.